School Rules
Refund Policy
If you cancel BEFORE the start date of class the $40.00 deposit is non-refundable. If you paid in full when you registered, you will receive a refund of monies in excess of the deposit amount. Note that all pre-paid amounts can be used to pay for other classes.
If you cancel AFTER the start date of any class or group of lessons there is NO REFUND.
Class Rules
The owner/handler is responsible for ALL actions and behaviors of the dog in and around the school. Our trainers have the right to ask any handler to remove their dog from class if, in the trainer's opinion, the dog is not under control. Returning to class is dependent on the handler regaining control of the dog. Safety of our trainers, students, and other dogs is our main concern. If you are having a problem, please notify your trainer immediately--whether it is your dog or someone else's. We will work hard to help correct the problem and keep a positive learning experience for everyone. Certain equipment is not allowed: Head Halters, Chain Leashes, Clickers, Harnesses may used by dogs with a neck problem or small dogs that does not pull. They are not recomended for general training.
Building Rules
For safety, no children under twelve (12) years old are permitted to attend without adult supervision by someone not in class. If you wish your child to handle the dog, they must be physically capable of controlling the dog. If they are under 12-years old, call 651-464-1799 or e-mail us first to discuss if it would be possible for them to do the training.
Allow time to “exercise” (potty) your dog prior to class in the designated area at the school. PLEASE clean up after your dog. Clean-up equipment is provided.
All dogs must be on leash at all times unless otherwise directed by your instructor. Unleashed dogs should be kenneled or crated in a proper container used for that purpose.
If you have other questions not listed, please call 651-464-1799 or Preferably send us an email.